The past week in Mina was once again of intense work for the creative team of the theatrical show Caixa de Questions, which will premiere on June 8, 2023. With the mornings spent investigating the archive of the Serrão Martins foundation and also the documents of the Mina Coral Group, the afternoons were spent welcoming the community at the O Musical venue. Several work sessions were held with all the people who showed up to participate and experience a bit of theatrical art. The photos speak for themselves, but on site the work sessions were much livelier. The list of applicants to work on the show has already begun. However, registrations are still open to work in different areas such as the construction of sets, costumes, logistical support, transport and security. All you have to do is contact Tatiana or Beatriz by phone +351 924 744 056 or by email .

Fotos: Sónia Godinho